My Services
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Scott Graham homajob

How Can I help you?

Fiduciary Bookkeeping / Accounting

Informal or probate code-compliant, Uniform Principal and Income Act-compliant, litigation-resistant fiduciary accounting reports.

OCR and machine learning minimize data entry time.

Work Product Guarantee (for attorneys and pro fiduciaries)

Bookkeeping (recommended) or “CPA-Prepared” Accounting

Most CPAs don’t like fiduciary accounting because it’s like a foreign language to them. It has a “weird” charge and discharge format. The carrying costs are different from the tax cost basis. The bookkeeping and source documents come in unlimited variations of format and quality. The principal and income allocations have nothing to do with loan amortization schedules. Etc.

I find it fun helping fiduciaries and attorneys tell the always-unique story of how their particular administration began, how it was managed, and how it was closed. Every new project has different details and I embrace the challenge of finding the fastest and most efficient way to convert any fiduciary’s raw data into a perfect accounting. 

A perfect accounting is not one that simply balances Charges and Credits! A perfect accounting is one that…

  • Is in a uniform format and is easy for beneficiaries to read and understand.
  • Strives for the ideas of maximum clarity, full disclosure and complete descriptions, without including so much detail to result in a massive document that few people would read. 
  • Provides the fiduciary with confidence that they’ve provided an accurate representation of the story and performance of their administration.
  • Provides the attorney with confidence that their client is protected, and that the accounting report can stand the scrutiny of the court or litigation in the event it ever becomes necessary.

Trust Dispute Forensic Accounting &
Litigation Support

Tracing the flow of money/assets and helping you prove fraud or innocence.

Incomplete information? I’ll figure it out. Just send everything you have. The more the better. (e.g., trust docs, complaint, discovery docs, credit reports, background investigations, known social media accts, historical 1040s, estate tax return, gift tax returns, trust tax returns, trust accountings, appraisals, bank and securities statements credit card statements, etc.)

Most of my projects involve volumes of financial and other documents, accumulated over many years, that need to be reviewed. They also involve tons of documents and information that should exist but don’t seem to. In my favorite scenario, I’m involved early and get to organize and investigate to help bridge this gap between what exists and what doesn’t. Sometimes I can figure out where to find the missing information, or what it contains, or why it’s missing. I always want more access, sooner. Sometimes I get it…

I can assist with preparation and exhibits for complaints, discovery requests, depositions, etc. I can help you compile and organize our production docs. I can organize and review the other side’s discovery package, tell you what’s hiding in there and locate inconsistencies. I’m not a lawyer, but once I’ve organized and analyzed the documents, I tend to retain familiarity with the details, and know where to find them, better than other team members who are focused on bigger strategic issues.

I’m best as a non-testifying consultant with protected work product and communication. I’m not built for testifying. I prefer to have unconstrained lines of communication with the team and, when possible, like to be involved with strategy. After we speculate together, I can help you hire and support your expert witnesses with relevant facts and data. 


  • Successor Trustee (Defendant): Forensic trust accounting (I came on late and exposed misrepresentations in the trust accounting prepared by Plaintiff, that my predecessors had missed), asset research, discovery document review, deposition exhibits, reverse engineering of opposing expert damages calculations. Supported expert accountant and appraiser upon hire. Successor trustee / beneficiary was accused by co-beneficiary of undue influence and ending up with an asset that the original trustee never wanted him to have. I searched ~500k documents and found one decades-old estate planning attorney letter recommending gifting of a similar asset, held in a specific entity-type (same as asset in question), to defendant, for tax purposes.
  • Successor Trustees (Defendant): Fiduciary accounting. Discovery files management. Contributed exhibits and facts from a variety of sources for prep of mediation brief. Compiled due diligence materials for sale of trust assets. OSINT and social media search to identify names and home addresses of people engaged in illegal activities on trust property and prepared dossier for law enforcement.
  • Successor Trustees (Pre-Litigation): Investigated alleged stockbroker churning and undue influence. Uncovered previously unidentified multimillion dollar transfer AND the owner of the receiving account number. Found potentially fraudulent expenses by in-house asset manager. Prepared report on illegal subdivision and messy chain of title, located appropriate party (decades later in different county) so attorneys could request and secure quitclaim deed. Prepared internal property tax audit for use in quiet title action and beneficiary buyout.
  • Limited Partners (Plaintiffs): Brought on late, after others had looked. Used web research, property records and Secretary of State records to uncover previously undisclosed related party transactions, where GP directed LPs to pay marked up costs to vendors owned by GP, and rent on property owned by GP.

Consulting &
Special Projects

Solving research and financial analysis and real estate problems (e.g., Secretary of State research, County Recorder research, OSINT investigations, people-finder research, asset search, data analytics, summaries of various financial documents, historical timelines with dates and $’s and people, back of envelope valuations, financial statement analysis, real estate performance analysis, chain of title research, property tax audit, etc.).